Private Online Tutoring

Targeted to student needs
Professional tutors & teachers
Progress focused
Great Value

Wings Tuition employs professional teachers and tutors who design individualised lesson plans to meet the needs of your young person.
Using research backed exercises and strategies, our tutors engage your child in dynamic, multi-sensory lessons using analogue and digital learning tools.
We provide tuition that is intensive, structured, individualised and effective.

Wings Tuition and Learning support began on the Gold Coast in 2017 as a face to face tuition centre that offered limited online tuition services. Since then, demand for our high quality online tuition services has out grown our face to face classroom and now we specialise in multi-sensory and dynamic online education services for students aged 5 - 15 years of age.
We specialise in foundation literacy and numeracy support for learners of all abilities and have established a reputation for effective, intensive and compassionate tuition for learner with diverse abilities.
All of our tutors...
Are Australia Registered Teachers or TA with Specialist Training
Hold current Suitability for Working with Children Cards (Blue Cards QLD)
Undergo specialist training in online tuition strategies
Have specialist training in literacy intervention programs
Are trained literacy and numeracy coaches able to work with students of diverse needs.
All student Learning Programs...
Are individualised and based on initial screening and assessment data
Are progress focused
Are written and designed by qualified and registered teachers
Adapt to the changing needs of students
Are multi-sensory and target specific needs of each student
Are intensive and designed to get the most out of every tuition session.
All our staff...
Are passionate about teaching students and helping them progress
Are lifelong learners connected to the latest developments in education and online teaching
Have a growth mindset and practice what they preach
Are dedicated team members who work collaboratively and professionally

Our office is based on the Gold Coast, Australia but our tutors work from their home based teaching studios.
To make a booking, click our Enrol Now button. Visit our FAQs page for information about our services. You can also email us at admin@wingstuitioncentre.com.au. Text us on 0414 647 956 or give us call between
9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday.
Our Tuition Hours are between:
6.30am - 6.30pm, Monday to Thursday
Phone: 0414 647 956 Skype: Wings Online Help Desk