Targeted to student needs
Professional tutors & teachers
Progress focused
Great Value
Targeted to student needs
Professional tutors & teachers
Progress focused
Great Value
Mathematics anxiety is real and stems from a lack of opportunity to practice and rehearse foundation numeracy skills and facts. Strong foundation numeracy skills are fundamental to any child's success in mathematics. and enables them to be independent and self sufficient adults.
Wings tuition specialises in foundation numeracy skills for students aged 6 - 16 years via live and private online web conferencing tuition. We know that given the time, opportunity to practice and clear consistent explicit instruction, every child can make progress in mathematics.
Our Wings Tutor will conduct a screening assessment with your child to determine their strengths and weaknesses in maths, then design an individualised learning program targeting their weak areas.
We do not offer generic courses or make false promises. Wings tutors are focused on progress, not grades. We will use proven strategies and provide lesson by lesson feedback on your child's engagement and progress.
You can access Wings Mathematics Tuition via online sessions from your own home. The quality and service is just the same.