Targeted to student needs
Professional tutors & teachers
Progress focused
Great Value
The most common request we get from families seeking support for their child, is to provide assessment and feedback on what skills their child is "behind" in. While we encourage parents to view their child's learning journey as a continuum of progress rather than as a "levelled" race to the finish, it can be helpful to have a guide to base your expectations on.
School report cards tend to be brief and don't always list the specific strengths and weaknesses of students.
We've collated these checklists based on the Australian National Curriculum so you can take stock of where your child may be struggling or may need some extra support.
We strongly advocate for inclusive learning environments and fervently believe that every child can learn, just not in the same way or on the same day.
Click on a year level to view a snap shot guide of where your child is expected to be at the end of that year level.